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Jesus loves you



Thank you for visiting Mullen Baptist Church online. Please feel free to read more about our church on this site, or come in for

a visit! We would love to meet you and share our love for Jesus Christ and for you, as our neighbor.

Our Mission


Our church sign has a statement, "Where guests become friends and friends become family", and it is our hope that our members and visitors would agree with that statement.


We want to reach our community with the truth and love of Jesus Christ.


Pastor Jon, wife Meredith and son Grant

Latest News


We are pleased to announce that our search for a pastor is over!
Mullen has been without a full time pastor to fill our pulpit since August 2016.  We have been blessed by the twenty nine people that came to fill our pulpit over the six year search for the pastor that God was calling to Mullen.  We are so thankful they were willing servants to help us bridge the gap during our search.  Brother Jon Fulton sent his letter for consideration for the pastor position and the church recently voted to accept his call to the church.  We will be providing updates of upcoming activities and changes as Jon steps into his shepherding role at Mullen.  He will be finishing some prior commitments before starting at Mullen on August 14th.  If you are in search of a church home, we hope you would consider Mullen to fill that need.



Sunday School is held at 9:00 AM.


Sunday Worship and Sermon are at 10:00 AM.




**Any additional services will be announced on our notice board and on our Facebook page.

Upcoming Events




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